Good Morning Watershed Explorers,
In honor of Halloween, here are ten SCARY facts about water. I also want to thank Julien and Destiny for their amazing nature creations featured below.

Over 1.5 billion people don't have access to clean water.
In some countries, people (mostly women) have to walk an average of 4 miles to collect useable water.
Over 2.5 billion people lack access to a toilet.
It takes 240 gallons of water to produce a cell phone.
You are WEARING water!
Humans can't survive more than three days without water.
It takes 15 billion gallons of water to produce all of the plastic bottles that Americans drink bottled water from each year. WOW!
It takes 634 gallons of water to produce one cheeseburger.
It takes 449 gallons of water to create one large chocolate bar.
The state of Nevada has the highest water use per person in the United States. The daily average is 190 gallons per person.
Many of these facts come from a fantastic book entitled Your Water Footprint by Stephen Leahy. There is so much more in this great book, it is worth checking out!
Water is crucial to everything we do every day. Check out this video that the Narragansett Bay Commission did a few years ago entitled a day without water. It quickly showcases how we use water each day. The video was featured on GoLocalProv, just scroll down to the middle of the article for the video
Here are two beautiful nature creations from Watershed Explorers Julien from Agnes Little and Destiny from Anna McCabe. I am so appreciative of your creativity.

Julien's gnome house

Destiny's mandala
I hope these inspire other Watershed Explorers to create their own nature pieces.
Have a great day my scientist friends,
Mrs. Morissette