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It is NEVER Uncool to be Kind


Hello Watershed Explorers,

I would like to thank all of the Watershed Explorers who submitted an act of kindness for last month's challenge. If I haven't seen you recently, and you have an act of kindness to share, please hold onto your paragraphs and I will collect those this month. It was such a pleasure to read all of the submissions. I chose a few to share in this blog, but I plan to create a page where I can showcase all of them. The last item on this page is a thank you card that was sent to Mrs. Lenore's class at Pleasant View Elementary in Smithfield. The entire class sent holiday cards to two ladies in a nursing home and they received the card showcased below.

February's challenge is to go screen-free for one day during the month. My family does it every Saturday. We play games, take hikes, read stories, create art, and so much more. I promise, there is a WORLD waiting for you beyond the screen!

Happy Exploring my amazing friends,

Mrs. Morissette



Contact the NBC Watershed Explorers Program:

Address: One Service Road, Providence, RI 02905

p: 401-443-4947

f: 401-784-3528

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