Good afternoon wonderful Watershed Explorers,
Thank you to all of you for being a part of NBC's Watershed Explorers Program. I am so grateful for all of you! You make education so much fun! I know I learn more from you than you do from me. Your interested, enthusiastic young minds are going to save our planet. Continue to be inspired by nature and allow it to guide your actions. Remember we are not separate from it, we are a part of it, we need it, and it needs us.
I hope that you will get outdoors this Thanksgiving. Thursday is predicted to be a great weather day, mid-fifties, and partly sunny. There is no better way to give thanks to nature and our amazing Earth, than to spend a few hours immersed in it. Here are a few outdoor activity ideas to add to your Thanksgiving festivities:
Take a walk prior to, or after Thanksgiving dinner.
Complete a scavenger hunt that takes you outside for several items: Click on the link below for the card.
3. If your family likes sports, play your favorite one.
4. Eat your dinner or dessert outside, throw down a blanket and eat with the trees.
If you aren't able to get outside for Thanksgiving Day, find a way to get outside on Friday or even over the weekend. Friday in particular is one of the busiest shopping days of the year. Some families shop as a tradition on what is known as Black Friday. I would encourage you to avoid the craziness of the shops and instead spend the day with nature. The Massachusetts Audubon is doing a fantastic hike-a-thon event that you can get involved in. Here is the link if you are interested
In honor of an animal who provides many tables with its main Thanksgiving dish, here is an article from the Department of Environmental Management's WILD magazine all about the turkey.
I wish you all an outstanding Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Morissette