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Additions and Discussions

Good Morning Watershed Explorers,

I apologize for not having this available when I wrote Monday's post, but I found it yesterday when I was looking for the critter adaptation activity. I wanted to provide a nice, easy checklist that you could print out to take with you on your explorations. This is from the same book that I referenced yesterday entitled, My Nature Journal by Adrienne Olmstead. I highly recommend this book if you are looking for a great explorer journal. It has some fun activities, sketch pages, critter record pages, and a ton of great information.

I love these checklists because one reminds us how to safely explore ourselves and the other discusses how to safely explore for nature. I hope you will find these useful.

This morning I had the pleasure of being on a Zoom chat with the ladies of the Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council (WRWC). They went out last week and did some scooping in Providence and asked if I would join them for a chat to identify and talk about what they found. We had so much fun, and they recorded our chat so that they can make a video to showcase on their website. When the video is done I will send a link to all of you so that you can check it out.

One of the most positive and cool parts of meeting with them was that they found some free-living caddisfly larvae. Due to the sensitive nature of this larvae, they aren't usually found in the Woonasquatucket in Providence. Free-living caddisfly larvae need a lot of dissolved oxygen and are very sensitive to all types of environmental pollution. Finding these larvae in the water is a great sign that the Woonasquatucket in Providence is getting healthier.

I really would love to hear from you my friends. I miss you terribly and want to hear how you are doing with distance learning and all of your activities during this time. I would also love to see some creature adaptations that you have created as well as see pictures, and hear of all of your explorations outdoors. Keep in touch using the email Mrs. Morissette button at the bottom of the website. It's on every page!

Much love to you as always, I hope you are staying positive and are continuing to do outstanding with your learning from home!

Mrs. Morissette

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