Click this file to read a great article about the Washed Ashore Project and see some amazing sculptures made from ocean trash!
Click this file to read a great article about the Washed Ashore Project and see some amazing sculptures made from ocean trash!
Click this file to read a great article about the Washed Ashore Project and see some amazing sculptures made from ocean trash!

Monthly Journal Assignments
September Assignment: SCIENTIST DRAWING
This journal should be completed on the scientist page in the back of the NBC Watershed Explorer notebook.
Students can be as creative as they choose if they would like, they can also color their scientist picture using colored pencils or crayons.
October Assignment: Write two questions that can be asked on the field trip/OR if the lesson was completed: Water Droplet Journey
Either of these journals can be completed on a lined page in the front of the Watershed Explorer notebook near the macro data sheet. I like to have students start at the beginning of the notebook for scoring purposes.
Write two questions to ask about wastewater treatment, water quality testing, water testing sites, anything about the Narragansett Bay Commission.
If applicable, students will use their Water Droplet Journey sheet to help them create a story, drawing, news report, rap, song, or poem about their travels.
I have included some journals from previous years below to use as a guide.
Example Water Droplet Journey Journal Responses
November Assignment: Answer the following questions on the lined pages in your watershed explorer notebooks
Question 1: What is a watershed? Please write your best definition.
Question 2: What is one activity or task that you could perform that would help to protect your watershed area?
December Assignment: Answer the following questions on the lined pages in your watershed explorer notebooks
Question 1: What was your favorite part about building your wind mobile?
Question 2: What were some of the challenges you faced?
Question 3: What would you do differently the next time?
January Assignment: Answer the following questions on the lined pages in your watershed explorer notebooks
Please write a prediction to compare the water quality results that we will receive for the winter with those that we received in the fall. Will the water be healthier or less healthy than when we did our test results in the fall?